Starlings Flat Whites

I love a good breakfast and all my family and friends know this about me. Back in Cape Town, my weekends were always filled with an outing to a cute little breakfast spot with great tasting flat whites. It’s a little different here in San Francisco, as a breakfast outing is swapped with brunch and the great tasting coffee is replaced with Mimosas or Bloody Mary’s. Look I’m not complaining but every now and then I want a damn good flat white to kick off my weekend just right. I was recently back in Cape Town and visited one of my favorite breakfast spots, Starlings. So how did Starlings flat whites measure up…

1. Taste

I actually don’t know what coffee beans Starlings use, but that double shot of espresso is too good to be true. 

2. Microfoam

The microfoam was super creamy and velvety, you can tell that the barista knows what they are doing.

3. Temperature

I’m not the fastest coffee drinker, so I do normally like my coffees to be slightly on the warmer sides. Starlings flat whites are not warm enough for me but that’s just me. 

4. Presentation

When ordering a coffee, you’ll get it in the mix and match Le Creuset cups and sauces, which makes me even more obsessed with how gorgeous the presentation is. The latte art is big and aims at covering the whole cup surface.

5. Atmosphere 

I love seeing families and friends catching up over breakfast and amazing coffee. This spot is perfect to meet a friend and have a great catch up over coffee. If you want a quiet spot, this is not the place. 

6. Service

Service is on the slower side and the last time I was there, we got our coffee drinks quite far apart from one another, and when you’re dying for a coffee while your friends drink theirs, you do get a little jealous.  

7. Something special

Starlings have some delicious cakes and pastries, but they should think about adding a mini rusk with their coffees. If there was a mini rusk with my flat white, I would probably be stuck there for hours.

For those who don’t know, a rusk is a South African biscuit that is first baked then dried. If you’re ever in South Africa, you have to try one. I’m missing not having rusks here but I do need to bake my own.

Starlings flat whites are one of the best I’ve had in Cape Town. Maybe next time I visit I’ll get a mini rusk with my flat white… hint hint

Flat White Rating: 8.5

Still not sure what a flat white is, you can read my blog post here.

Dynamo Donut + Coffee Review

Since moving to San Francisco, Dynamo Donut + Coffee has become a regular spot I stop at when I go on my weekend walks. 

Dynamo Donut Flat White

I love to walk and try to do as much walking as possible, stopping to get a coffee along the way as a little treat. Coming from a place where I would just hop in my car and drive everywhere, it’s refreshing to just leave my apartment and start walking to a “coffee” destination.

I’ve had some fantastic flat whites and some very average ones from Dynamo Donut + Coffee. So it is hit or miss, but overall it meets my craving for a treat and the views down by the Marina are not bad at all.

So how did Dynamo Donut + Coffee do…

1. Taste

Amazing! The double shot of espresso always makes me happy so full points here.

2. Microfoam

The microfoam technique is lacking slightly, it starts to bubble too quickly after being poured. Dynamo Donut + Coffee need to get working on perfecting their microfoaming skills.

3. Temperature

The flat white temperature was just right!

4. Presentation

The presentation isn’t always consistent, sometimes I can make out a heart-shaped design, others I have to use my imagination to guess what design the microfoam is making.

5. Atmosphere

Love the vibe here! People are cycling, running and walking. It’s great to see people being so active and getting outside. Also, you have a beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge just around the corner which is magnificent when there is no fog. 

6. Service

Service here is super fast which is impressive for a 2 person show. There is only one barista but it’s great that you don’t need to wait long for a coffee, especially on a weekend when the queues can get rather long.

7. Something special

The Maple Glazed Bacon Apple donut (last bite) & my flat white

Wish Dynamo Donut + Coffee gave tiny donut tasters with the coffee. That would take my treat to another level. A tester would then help you know which donut to get the next time or even by a whole one right there. 

I do always try and get my husband the Maple Glazed Bacon Apple donut which he absolutely loves! So grab one if you’re a bacon/donut lover. They’re incredible!

Dynamo Donut + Coffee has some good coffee but they do need to improve on making a flat white. I’ll keep trying and report back soon! 

Flat White Rating: 6

So what is a Flat White?

This is the Flat White I had at The Richfield in San Francisco

I’ve been living in San Francisco for the past 9 months and I’ve only found one coffee shop with “Flat White” on their menu so far. Instead, I just ask for a flat white when ordering. It is hit or miss and most times I do end up with a cappuccino or short latte. I’ve also ended up with a cortado.

Flat whites haven’t yet made a mark in America, but there tends to be still confusion between what is a flat white and what is a cappuccino

A flat white is usually a double shot of espresso and steamed milk, also known as microfoam. Microfoam allows the barista to design those cute little milky hearts we all love to see when receiving our coffees. It’s also super smooth and velvety in texture.

A cappuccino, traditionally, is a single or double shot of espresso, then steam milk is added and to finish it off, topped with frothy milk. In South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, cocoa or cinnamon would be sprinkled on top of the froth for that something extra.

Even with these clear distinctive methods on how to make a flat white or cappuccino, many places get the two mixed up.

I am obsessed with flat whites and great-tasting coffee in general. The coffee culture has exploded in the past few years. My love for coffee started in South Africa and every place I travel too, I seek out the best-rated coffee shop there. So far I’ve been extremely lucky enough to explore Paris, Munich, Venice, Florence and Bologna’s coffee culture. In America, I’ve already tried Flat Whites in New York, Portland, Denver, Houston, Austin and of course San Francisco.

Flat White Rating Scale

To help me explore and get to know my new home, this blog will be a place to rate coffee shops and restaurants on their flat white making skills. I’ve created 7 points that the coffee needs to meet to be considered a good flat white.

  1. Taste
  2. Microfoam
  3. Temperature
  4. Presentation
  5. Atmosphere
  6. Service
  7. Something special

If you love coffee as much as I do, I hope my reviews will help you pick where to go next when exploring America, Europe, and South Africa.

Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters Review

When I moved to San Francisco, my husband wanted to find me a great little coffee spot that I could walk too when I missed home. This is when I introduced to Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters and when we first visited the store, the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus popped into my head. Love that song! Before even tasting the coffee, I was already in love with the brand name and logo.

They don’t have “Flat White” on their menu, but every time I go, the baristas will attempt to make a Flat White. Sometimes it comes out as a Cortado, which is similar to a Flat White with a double shot of espresso but instead of the milk being velvety and thicker, a Cortado should be smoother and not textured. A Cortado actually originates from Spain, which is something I just recently learned. Still not sure what a flat white is, you can read my blog post here – “What is a Flat White?”

I recently when back to Cape Town for my sister’s wedding and to kill some time before my insanely long flight back to South Africa, I decided to walk up to Wrecking Ball and get my last San Francisco coffee for a while.

1. Taste

On Taste, I am a little obsessed with Wrecking Ball beans and have already bought a few bags for home, so the strength of the double espresso is always on point.

2. Microfoam

The microfoam was extremely creamy and velvety.

3. Temperature

The baristas at Wrecking Ball always get the temperature just right.

4. Presentation

The latte art was a little on the abstract side but had a cute little heart at the top.

5. Atmosphere

The one I go to is on Union Street, which is super small and can get extremely cramped with a handful of people. It does have a few small tables and chairs outside, but knowing San Francisco weather, they don’t get used much. It would be amazing if they had a slightly bigger area so you can enjoy your coffee inside.

Wrecking Ball has become my first stop before I have a nail appointment, so if you just want to grab a coffee and go, it’s a great little spot. That’s exactly what I needed, a quick in and out.

6. Service

Service was quick, as it was a random Thursday morning. On the weekends it does take a little longer to get a coffee, so if you have time then definitely stop by and grab a coffee.

7. Something special

I wish Wrecking Ball did something a little special like adding a biscuit to your coffee… but even without that, this cup of coffee gets a rating of 9. Yay Wrecking Ball!

Flat White rating: 9